Funniest Thing today. Dec. 7 2011

So today I was in history class and I open my textbook to the page where you can sign your name. Mine read, Name: Michael Jackson. Year used: 2011 Issued:black Returned: White. This really did make my day.
Now whoever thought of this is a slacker or a complete genius. This is a new gadget on my blog. It shall be updated with my comments/slash awesome things.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Where do I even begin? I have greatly neglected this blog. No one follows this but it's still nice to get my thoughts out. First we can sum it up to; my grades suck, I can't sleep, spring is finally here (I hope.) things are good with friends and I have found some new hobbies.
PAWS testing this week for everyone but the lowly freshmen such as myself. But since today I had to participate in the alternative activities I'd rather do PAWS! First a cop gave us a lecture on cyber bullying followed by a ten minute break. Next the local college came and talked to us about a field that probably only a sixteenth of us are interested in. Just wait it gets worse, next we had team building activities fml.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy new year!

Another year has come and gone. I have learned a lot and grown a lot in the last year. Everything has changed but I'm ok with that. About a year ago I met one of my best friends, Ashlea. She has opened me up to many things. Through the months of may to July ashlea and I would go on our nightly adventures. Going to the park and the loaf n jug down the road. When she was gone the month of august it was the longest time of my life. Ashlea and I are still the best of friends.
Oh lord let's not forget my first trip to the east coast! New York city. The big apple baby! Time square Rockefeller center and the statue of liberty. Then came my month of summer school. Hardcore but totally worth not having pe right now.
This year I started high school. Way better than junior high. I feel more myself in high school. On September 16 my life changed. I lost my friend Cody. Rest in peace babe. Joined a group called the nerds and it was one of the best things ive had in awhile. I met Emily Glenn and she makes me smile everyday. Well that was my year. Here's to the future!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Poems for creative writing classL

Love Vs Loathe
Love is to open sky as loathe is to the depths of hell.
I love, I love to hate her.
An in bridal passion brought back from
the depths of hell.
To the place where the light shines.

Her always telling me what to do
creates a sizzling feeling in my soul.
The best word to sum up
the most compassion I have for her most of the time.
Taking him away from his little girl.
She always gets the only say in things.
Sometimes I wonder, 
how I can have such complex 
emotions toward one person.

Love is like an open sky.
Willing to take in anything.
Its bright blue is 
Compared to the dark cold loathe.
Sometimes I do love her.
How happy she makes him.
And all she gives to me,
Like a magnet two emotions stick together.
Love and Loathe.

More than just weather.
More than just precipitation.
Seems as if the world is
Freezing into a tiny crystal castle.
Gaze down at the snow, admire its beauty.

So many white sparkles before human eyes.
But each flake is a reminder of strength.
It didn't splash, but froze and held on.
Kept its will and shined.

Have you Ever.......
Have you ever had a moment or even a day?
When everything falls into place perfectly.
Feel on top of the world.
Feel the feeling that resembles nervous butterfiles.
Your heart seems to swell in your chest.
Swells with pride.
These days make the sun seem brighter.
The sky seem bluer.

A big smile spreads across your face.
Hope that it stays like this forever.
But sadly it won't.
Things will definitely change.
They always do.
But isn't that what life is about?
Remembering, but moving on.,

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Late night post. :p

I cant sleep so I will blog! Warning this is from my iPod so it won't be that good, although the spelling will be correct lol. My english class is interesting again. We are reading oedipus! It's like ancient civilization Jerry springer. So the low down is we have this king named Oedipus. His prophecy or fate is that he will kill his father and sleep with his mother. He does these things and read the play to find out more.
Today I was watching Disney channel and aren't they supposed to have all these wholesome values? And by this I mean they don't show kids the real world. The mom on good luck Charlie is Pregnant. Disney seems to be contradicting itself a bit.
On a more serious note the girl found dead in a high school parking lot wasn't murdered. She got into a car accident and died from cold exposure. How sad. She got out of her car and walked to the school. Moral of the story here is if you are in trouble call someone. Nothing is worth losing your life over.
Well goodnight folks. Just wanted to ramble for a bit. Tomorrow if the school wi fi will allow it I will post one of my poems. Be excited. Good night.
With love,
The invisible penguin

Thursday, December 1, 2011

RIP and my prayers go out to the family.

Today has been an sad day. I will not reveal my location but I will say what went down. At a high school in my town a girl was found dead in the parking lot. (wasn't my high school by the way.) No one I know is hardly supporting the family. Instead my school population is spreading RUMORS about what happened. Don't you guys think? Her family could see this stuff. Imagine how it would feel if it was you. All I ask is think  before you speak! Is that to much to ask? RIP you are in a better place.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How are ya? (Sorry I have neglected my blog.)

  Where do I even start? UHHHH November was such a busy month! I have taken a liking to hanging out in the orchestra room before school with my friends Emily and Grace. Makes me seem like a loner, but I like the quiet. Plus the room smells nice. For the free twenty minutes I have, I have attempted to learn to play the violin. I think I am decent. :D  Who knows maybe next year I will join the high school orchestra?!
   In the middle of the month, say around the 12th maybe? I experienced the joys of parenthood. No I did not magically give birth. Although that would be interesting and nasty, it is untrue. For my early childhood class we received the RealCare Baby Simulator 2 Plus. (The plus means it has rechargeable batteries.)  Click the link just mentioned to learn more about this invention.
    Sorry the baby kind of misaligned the text. See babies cause all kinds of problems! Her full name was Ainsley Rebecca Ott. No one else wanted the Asian baby. She kept me up all night. I have no fuckin idea how it is possible for a baby to eat out of a four oz bottle for an hour! Then after all this feeding only one diaper change. So yes the first night was hell. Second night slightly better, I slept a whole four hours. Surprised I didn't sleep through the crying. I got a C on this project. The sheet said I didn't rock it out all. I believed I did, also I didn't support the head sometimes and she had one rough handling time. I think it should be required for every teen in high school to take this class. 
    November Movie Month!
     This month involved a lot of great movies. I believe the first one I saw was called Contagion. It was about a virus spreading and no one knew what caused it or how to stop it. Very intense as panic sets in and doctors race for a cure. 
Next movie was Breaking Dawn. I don't think this one needs a link, we all know about the popular Twilight craze. Lots of action and romance. Nothing like Edward breaking the bed. Can't wait for part 2!
 The last movie I saw was called The Crazies. In a way it was like Contagion. A weapon spread through the water causing people to become homicidal. They were basically zombies.

  Lastly school is getting a bit stressful. They make the district assessments too hard. Almost my whole Algebra class failed it! And I have to retake it soon or I won't pass the class. The semester ends in 6 weeks. Why does it seem like teachers want to cram in the big units before Christmas Break? It doesn't make sense. This is my only blog for November. I promise to include more in December because of vacation time and I really do enjoy this. TTYL my little webites!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Facebook and its Many People

     The way I see it Facebook could be its own college course. It shall be called Facebookology. (That sounds fancy.) A person who studies Facebook is called a Facebookonian. This studying of Facebook is a very complex course. With many features and what nots. Now class time f or lesson numero uno!
    The types of people Facebook has in its realm.

  • Family (The worst people to add.)
  • Little kids (say ages 7-11)
  • Teachers(some are cool.)
  • your normal friends(no explanation needed.)
  • siblings(even though I have none.)
  Family is one of the worst specimans to have. They can see your stuff then tell your parents and you get your ass chewed. I said the world sh!t. Dear children use your imagination for what that word is. But ANYWAYS you write it and your uncle tells on you. He also comments back with "Why are you up so late? Say hi to your dad!" That's not how Facebook should be used.

Little kids do not need a Facebook. They are mostly just annoying with it. Some try to act all dramatic. Example 1: "My parents hate me they never buy me anything!" *Updated via mobile* When I was 7 I didn't even have a cell phone. Also how they get dramatic about loving a guy. Honey I'm 15 and I'm not even sure I love a guy at this time.

Teachers can be good or bad. I only add the cool teachers or teachers that really know me. But being friends with a teacher on Facebook makes me feel like I am stalking them. Also they know about my personal life then. So be careful what you post.

Old people don't use Facebook very often, but when they do it can be awkward I shit you not when a friend and I were looking at a Facebook her grandpa liked a hip replacement page and one for prunes.
  Look out for more facebook posts.